Sunday, March 30, 2008

I might need a pen name

To summarize my last post: My current job is perfect in so many ways. But the environment is, in some ways, sapping life out of me. (I think when I learn to find better work / life balance, this will change.)

So, I was thinking about changing jobs. I seemed to have the perfect opportunity lined up, and I was so grateful to just have good things fall in my lap.

Well... The other job changed drastically. So, I called my amazingly patient friend, who is a good thinker / listener, and smart as all-get-out to talk about what I should do. We talked about a lot of things. After talking with this friend and with the company some more, I've decided I'm not changing jobs right away. It just does not seem like the right thing.

But, my friend got me thinking: maybe I need to go back to school. And then I was talking to another friend who mentioned that she knew someone getting a Master's in -- get this -- children's literature. And it's in Australia! And I thought: that would be so great!

So, I'm thinking: maybe I could get a Master's in Creative Writing, with an emphasis in children's literature. (Whether or not I go to Australia to do it is debatable... I wouldn't mind it.)

What do you think?

Considerations: formal schooling is not my favorite thing in the whole world; creative writing is maybe a little useless; it wouldn't really help me if I stay in my current area of Communications -- although maybe just the fact that I have a Master's would help; it's expensive; I'd love to be a (more) published author; it sounds really fun.


Anonymous said...

I'm always a fan of more education.

Sarah said...

I'm slow in commenting but... that school plan sounds AWESOME.