Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm not sure how I feel about quoting Shakespeare.

He was a bit too sardonic and sarcastic, I think, to really be confident in his meaning. (As an English major, I can't help but love Shakespeare; so please realize I say this with some amount of angst in my soul about questioning the amazing William.)

I read a quote on Forbes today, "There is no better sign of a brave mind than a hard hand." And you have to ask yourself, "Was Shakespeare serious?" In this case, it seems he can't be. Really? And why would you use that as your inspiring welcome quote? "You are a good thinker if you can be a jerk (or -- at the very least -- tight-fisted)." Curious.

*Editor's Note: After some consideration, I see more merit in the quote, but I'm still not totally convinced.

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