Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Utah: A pretty great state.

I think that used to be our advertising campaign. Or an option before they chose "Life Elevated," maybe.

Anyway, according to a study published in the Wall Street Journal we're the 4th most agreeable and conscientious state. We're top 10 (8th) in extraversion. We're slightly higher than middle of the pack (18th) in openness to new ideas. And we're the least neurotic state in the entire country.

Check it out. The flash maps are fun. (And, if you're not from Utah, you can find some fun things about your state, too.)


MUG said...

We are the LEAST nuerotic? For real? Oh my! :) I'm never living anywhere else then.

Kate said...

Hazzah for Utah! A week after we got home to PA I went grocery shopping and stocked up. The cashier was amazed at my quantity buying and asked where we had been vacationing. I said my husband had an internship in Utah... and before I could say anymore this guy rambles off how lame Utah is blah blah blah... and then he asks where I'm from. I wink and say Utah. He felt like such an idiot! And then I told him all the beautiful things about Utah and how the people there are the greatest. It shut him up real quick and now he avoids me like the plague when I go into the store. So again, hooray for Utah. She doesn't get enough good recognition.

I'm A said...

i always thought that slogan was funny.

Sarah said...

That is some interesting info. Thanks for sharing. I feel so proud to live here, even if I had nothing to do with that decision in the first place. :)