London (basically everything about it) and my little London family:

These views of the West Coast:

My Primary class (I was moved to teach the REALLY young and GROSSLY over-sized class, but I'm sure that will be good, too):
Me: "Why do you think Jesus would tell us to be more like you? Why do you think He would want grown-ups to be more like children?"
Class member: "Well, when you grow up, you become so serious. And Jesus is like the Joker. He's asking grown-ups, "Why so SERIOUS?" He just wants them to relax and have fun, like kids. We're good at that. "
And, while I don't so much miss this last one, I was watching a [good] movie the other day and noticed something was awry/missing (That can count as me missing it, right?):

Where's Utah?
Let's just name two states "Nevada:" the one that actually is Nevada, and the one that would look like Utah if it was not Nevada. (Sorry the picture's cut off there, but that's all that was on the screen. So, in reality, Nevada may have been labeled "Utah." I fully intend to find the original and get to the heart of the matter, but for the purposes of this blog entry -- and the time constraints I've placed thereon -- I've decided not to look just now. It's more entertaining to me this way.)
We miss you, too! Come back!
What movie is this from?
The Dark Knight. ;)
Or, if you're talking about the "Utah missing" movie, it's "Helvetica."
I should have clarified. It is true. I was referring to the missing UT movie. But I appreciate your comment nevertheless Dave.
I knew what you meant -- I was just teasing. "Why so SERIOUS?"
Love the pictures of your niece and love the primary story! I'm a bit intrigued by Helvetica, I think I know what movie we'll rent next.
Katie- You will totally LOVE Helvetica. You must rent it right away.
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