Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Would you like to take a survey? Do you like to eat beans?

I recently took a survey of all my readers [read: my reader], and asked what people want to read about. It was suggested that I include some audio clips from my childhood.

These are what I made tapes about when I was little:
  • meaningless talk shows/"news" shows. (Mostly talk shows because I didn't know what to say as a news anchor, but I always thought news anchors were cooler.) These talk shows were also filled with some TERRIFIC advertising. I was interested in logos, marketing messages, and tag lines -- even when I was very young. I always thought the psychology and thought-process behind influencing opinion was fascinating. You'll see that I clearly had a knack for understanding my market. And then you'll wonder how I make my living now, because my trajectory would have to be pretty steep to be able to make money doing this.
  • Songs. Often raps -- about myself. I made these with my brother, Dave, primarily, with a little advice from my brother Jon, on occasion, and some influence from my sisters. There were some other quality songs in which I played a more minor role: "I Wish I Was a Petunia" and "What are We Going to Do Today?" (By minor role, I was associated by observation. And wanting to be part of the group.) I know there were others.

I'm not sure how many of these are surviving. Ironically, I don't have any of my own material, which means my sister and brother have some good blackmail material in hand. For now, I've put in requests. We'll see what comes of it.


Sarah said...

I would like to petition your siblings for the immediate return of this awesome material. I need to hear tiny E's advertisements.

Rachel said...

Dave has some on MP3 that he converted. I will convert the stuff I have. And it will be sweet. When Dave shares said material, I would also like a copy.

Rachel said...

Oh, and one more thing. E advertisement: "Is this baby happy? No. Is this baby happy? No. Feed your baby 'Baby Chow'", said in a very very soothing voice.

e said...


I appreciate your enthusiasm, however, if you are going to post spoilers:

1) They are usually prefaced with SPOILER ALERT! as big as you can.

2) You should quote them correctly. I BELIEVE the second answer is "yes."

Who is right, dear reader(s)? The only solution is to come back, and find out.