Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sport Stacking, anyone?

So, when I was in Colorado, the kids were telling me about a new "sport" that they do in gym class called Cup Stacking. I think the official name now is "Sport Stacking." Anyway, basically what you do is stack cups in pyramids -- and take them down -- as quickly as you can. There are 12 cups and different patterns you are supposed to do it in. At least if you want to compete.

To encourage them and be supportive of their new endeavors at school, MC bought them a cup stacking set. I practiced by building 4 pyramids of 3 and taking them down. My best time? 5.92 seconds or something. "That's pretty fast," you may think. (Especially if you've tried it. And you probably haven't.) Well, check THIS out.

The crazy thing is: that's not on fast-forward. She's really that fast. I almost bought a speed stacking kit, just to practice. Because... I mean... wow.

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