Thursday, January 24, 2008


I'm not an expert on addiction, but it seems to me like the first days are crucial to success. My name is E, and I've been off:

Common sense -- 24 hours

Diet Coke -- 72 hours

Item 3 -- nearing one week

Sleep -- Two weeks
(This is not entirely accurate, since I have slept some during the last two weeks, but it FEELS like I've given it up, so I'm counting it. After some consideration, I think this may be, in all actuality, a healthy addiction and I should re-institute it. Perhaps this has a causal relationship with Item 1.)

Swearing -- 4 months
(Disclaimer: My first unconscious use of a swear word happened over Labor Day 2007, in front of my family. During the month of September, this personally unattractive behavior continued a few times around some [supportive] co-workers... I can't explain, except I guess people wear off on you. I have been swear-free since October 2007.)


Anonymous said...

I would find it highly amusing to hear lil peaches use a swear... :)

e said...

Most people do. Seriously.

Kate said...

Miss Vincent, you are hilarious. And we miss you.

ps The Dudley family is visiting and can't say enough good about you.